Using RPR: School search, report and attendance zones

Nearly 50 percent of homebuyers rate quality of schools as more important than affordability or convenience to shopping, even proximity to family and friends, according to a report from the National Association of Realtors®. That’s up 25 percent from a similar NAR study conducted in 2015.

The report’s findings bode well for agents who use Realtors Property Resource®, the nation’s leading aggregator of real estate data. Agents can leverage the platform’s expansive tools to research schools, locate up to 20 nearby listings and create professional, quality reports for clients.

RPR’s school data includes teacher, academic and overall school grades, as well as school district side-by-side comparisons.

Specific metrics include:

  • Total enrollment
  • Students per teacher
  • Average GPA
  • Math and reading proficiency
  • Percentage of gifted students
  • Number of students enrolled in AP
  • Total enrollment
  • Students per teacher
  • Average GPA
  • Math and reading proficiency
  • Percentage of gifted students
  • Number of students enrolled in AP

The report can also be created and transmitted via email or text within a minute or so either through its website or app. Agents can search for schools within five miles of a location, by city/state, school or district name and even by type of school (elementary, middle or high school).

Here’s how to perform an RPR school search and then create a customized school report.

School search.

Select schools from the six options presented atop the RPR homepage search bar.

  1. From the left drop down menu, choose whether to search by geography or within a particular school district.
  2. Select elementary, middle, high or all of the above for filtering.
  3. To search by school name, choose advanced search.
  4. Enter the city and state or zip, and click the orange search button.

A few notes about your search results

  1. Results can be viewed either by list or map view. Simply toggle between the options, then select a particular school to see its full details.
  2. If preferred, sort your search results by school name, rating or proximity.
  3. Filter the results further by school type or school name.
  4. You can also link to nearby listings, neighborhood information and other local schools.

Create your school report.

RPR’s school report summarizes the data from your search, as well as provides options to compare schools within a district or a specified radius and/or select up to 20 nearby listings to include in the report.

  1. From the school results page, click create a report.
  2. Select more details to choose the elements you want displayed on the report.
  3. Personalize your report with a recipient name and message.
  4. Choose your delivery method.
  5. Click run report.

Search for properties by school attendance zones.

When searching for properties that feed to a particular school, try RPR’s school attendance zone search. Using the RPR map, overlay school attendance zones to see where children in a particular neighborhood will attend elementary, middle or high school. Try for yourself with these steps:

  1. From, select all properties and enter the zip code for the area.
  2. From the search results, select map view.
  3. Choose a school attendance zone from the show geographies drop down.
  4. If you don’t see the option from the drop down, try adjusting your map zoom level.
  5. Select the school geography and choose search in this geography.
  6. The properties for the attendance zone will now be displayed below the map.


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