Current Key Legislative Priorities

Residential Wholesaling

On July 8, Governor Josh Shapiro signed into law Act 52 of 2024, formerly Senate Bill 1173. This bill was a key priority for the PAR Legislative Committee and based on recommendations of a PAR-member task force.

Championed by Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee Chairman Pat Stefano (R-Fayette), a real estate caucus member, SB 1173 requires those conducting residential wholesaling in the commonwealth to obtain a real estate salesperson license under the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act (RELRA). Additionally, this bill ensures that consumers are made aware they are engaging in a wholesale transaction by receiving proper disclosures.

Residential wholesaling occurs throughout the commonwealth, and this legislation will ensure uniformity. Those engaging in the practice of real estate are required to have a license in Pennsylvania, and residential wholesalers should not be outside the scope of licensure. The legislation also will ensure that consumers have a clear understanding of the type of transaction they are engaging in by requiring specific disclosures for residential wholesale transactions.

Read more about this priority on JustListed.

Municipal Code and Ordinance Compliance Act

PAR’s Legislative Committee voted to make House Bill 1567 (Malagari, D-Montgomery) priority legislation after its introduction in June. HB 1567, introduced by Realtor® champion Rep. Steven Malagari from Montgomery County, clarifies the Municipal Code and Ordinance Compliance Act (MCOCA) to ensure property transfers are not arbitrarily stopped by municipalities or their components or result in the displacement of renters from properties that are changing ownership. It further clarifies that temporary use permits can still be issued for renter-occupied property transfers, ensuring existing renters are not displaced due to minor code violations.

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives unanimously approved HB 1567 on Nov. 14, 2023. On April 10, 2024, HB 1567 was voted unanimously out of the Senate Urban Affairs Committee and currently awaits consideration on the Senate floor.

First-time Homebuyers Savings Accounts

PAR continues to advocate for the enactment of first-time homebuyer savings accounts in the commonwealth. PAR has partnered with Sen. Rosemary Brown (R-Lackawanna/Monroe/Wayne) in the Senate and Rep. Ryan Bizzarro (D-Erie) in the House to advance legislation.

House Bill 126 (Bizarro, D-Erie) and Senate Bill 295 (Brown, R-Lackawanna/Monroe/Wayne) are companion bills that create a first-time homebuyer savings account. If enacted, this program would allow first-time homebuyers to deposit money into a savings account, where it goes for the exclusive purpose of purchasing a first home, and the money can be deducted from their state income tax.

Senate Bill 295 was voted out of the Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee on March 8, 2023, and currently awaits a vote in the Senate Appropriations Committee. House Bill 126 was amended so the program would mirror that of the existing 529 savings plans. This bill was voted out of the House on June 28 and currently awaits consideration in the Senate.

Key Legislation PAR is Monitoring

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