
A member organization of the National Association of Realtors®, the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® is comprised of more than 39,000 residential and commercial Realtors® who subscribe to a strict Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

PAR Policy Manual

Committees, Councils & Feedback Panels

Unless otherwise noted, appointments are for one year.

Interested in applying for a committee appointment? Learn about the committees and how to apply.

Association Executives Council

Description: Provides a networking opportunity and idea exchange for local association executives to share with, and learn from, their peers across the state.

Composition: All local association executives.

Association Headquarters & Staffing Needs Committee

Description: Makes recommendations regarding the needs of the physical building of the association and works with the Chief Executive Officer regarding the staffing, budget and employee benefits programs. Performs employment evaluation of CEO; negotiates and approves CEO contract on behalf of the association.

Composition: 6 members (5 voting) – Treasurer (1), Past Presidents (2), At large (2), CEO (non-voting).

Treasurer serves 1-year term; Appointees serve 4-year staggered terms; Appointees are limited to one full term (including any partial term of 2 years or more)

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee

Description: Promotes and supports equal opportunity and cultural diversity among real estate practitioners and consumers.

Composition: Chair, vice chair, approximately 25 members.

Executive Committee


Makes policy recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Transacts business of an emergency nature between meetings of the Board of Directors, with a report of such actions in full to the Board of Directors at its next meeting. May approve expenditures up to five (5) percent of any line item in the budget, and up to twenty (20) percent in an emergency.

Monitors and oversees the strategic direction and goals of the association.

Oversees the candidate screening process for officer elections.

Source of the Board of Directors for the Pennsylvania Realtors® Education Foundation and Business Services for Real Estate, per their governing documents.

Performs other roles or tasks as assigned by other policies adopted by the Board of Directors.

Composition: At least 20 members (19 voting)

The President, the President-elect, the First Vice President, one District Vice President for each District, the Treasurer and the Immediate Past President; (15)

Three Realtor® members, selected by the President, serving as specialty practice representatives: one with demonstrated experience in commercial real estate, one with demonstrated experience in appraisal practice, and one with demonstrated experience in residential property management. The President may consider membership in relevant Institutes, Societies or Councils as well as any other appropriate professional experience. (3)

** Any member of the association serving on the Executive Committee of the National Association of Realtors®. (varies)

One Executive Officer from a Member Board to be elected by the Executive Officers at an annual forum. (1)

The Chief Executive Officer (1; non-voting)

Finance Committee

Description: Oversees the finances of the association and the investing of its funds.

Proposes the annual budget and makes recommendations for approval of unbudgeted items to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

Serves as the finance committee for the association’s subsidiaries and foundations, and reviews their financial reports.

Composition: 11 members (10 voting); Treasurer (1); At-large (9); Executive Officer of a local association (1; non-voting)

No members of the Executive Committee shall be eligible to serve as at-large members.

Independent Expenditures Committee

Description: Evaluates, considers and approves funding of independent expenditures on behalf of local associations, political action committees and others who seek to use these services for political, marketing and other purposes, through independent expenditure political action committees (e.g., Alliance for a Better Pennsylvania) as further detailed in the committee rules & regulations.

Composition: 7 members (5 voting). “Qualified Members” as defined by the Committee Rules and Regulations (5); PAR Chief Executive Officer (1; non-voting); Staff member appointed by the Public Policy and Political Affairs Director (1; non-voting). Qualified Members serve 3-year staggered terms. Limit of 3 consecutive terms without a break of at least one year.

Legal Action Committee

Description: Provides assistance to PAR, member associations, and individual members when they are involved in legal actions that have a significant impact on the practice of real estate.

Composition: Chair, elected by trustees, with five trustees serving five-year terms, only one appointment each year.

Legislative Committee

Description: Systematically reviews legislative and regulatory initiatives for their impact on Pennsylvania’s real estate industry.

Composition: Chair, vice chair, three appointees per district (two appointees as selected by the district and one appointee as selected by the president), one government affairs director employed by a member board and one local association executive from a member board that does not employ a government affairs director (or equivalent) as selected by the president.

Legislative Feedback Panel

Description: Discusses and provides input for current and possible legislative or regulatory issues, with feedback provided to Legislative Committee for consideration and possible action.

Composition: Composed of up to three members from each of the local associations as appointed by the respective association.

Note: PAR does not make appointments to the Legislative Forum, but forwards any interested members’ names to the local associations for consideration.

Local Leadership Council

Description: Provides a networking opportunity and idea exchange for local association leadership to share with, and learn from, their peers across the state.

Composition: All local association Presidents and Presidents-elect (or their equivalent)

NAR Directors Council

Description: Serves as an information and idea exchange for all NAR Directors from Pennsylvania.

Composition: All NAR Directors from Pennsylvania; numbers vary.

Past Presidents Council

Description: Provides a networking opportunity and idea exchange for PAR Past Presidents to share with, and learn from, their peers across the state.

Composition: All PAR past presidents

Professional Standards Committee

Description: Administers the statewide Professional Standards Cooperative while promoting awareness and education about the Realtor® Code of Ethics and related enforcement processes.

Composition: Chair, vice chair, up to 30 members.

Public Policy Coordinating Committee

Description: Identifies, focuses, and coordinates the association’s legislative, regulatory and other and public policy priorities. Administers the Issues Mobilization Fund, which collects and disburses contributions to support or oppose federal, state and local issues that impact upon the ownership and use of real property, and to otherwise support grass roots lobbying and education efforts on issues relating to the interest of real property users and owners. Oversees Keystone Analytics® and the use of PAR data mining resources

Composition: Chair and vice chair of the Legislative Committee, the chair of the Realtors® Political Action Committee, the chair of the Realtors® Political Action Fundraising Committee, the government affairs director and executive officer that serve on the Legislative Committee, the president-elect and six members selected by the president.

Realtors® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Trustees

Description: Monitors election activities and provides support for political candidates at the national, state and local levels.

Composition: Trustees elect chair, vice chair and treasurer. Two trustees from each district with staggered, three-year terms. Term limitation of two three-year terms. Appointments rotate around districts. Terms are not based on a calendar year, but will run concurrently with the fundraising year established by the National Association of Realtors®.

Realtors® Political Action Fundraising Committee

Description: Provides local associations assistance with RPAC education and tools necessary to develop and implement RPAC fundraising plans which will meet PAR’s RPAC goals.

Composition: Chair, vice chair and approximately 12 members which usually includes an Association Executive and Government Affairs Director

Standard Forms Committee

Description: Creates and updates PAR’s standard forms to ensure that all of PAR’s standard forms remain legally compliant and continue to fill the needs of the members and marketplace.

Composition: Chair, vice chair, approximately 25 members. Each member will serve on the committee for a term of three years.

Standard Forms Feedback Panel

Description: Discusses and provides input for existing forms and revisions proposed by task forces, with feedback provided to Standard Forms Oversight Committee for consideration and possible action.

Composition: Vice chair of the Standard Forms Committee is automatically chair and up to three members from each of the PAR districts.