Monthly Member Profile: Danielle Wadsworth

Name: Danielle Wadsworth
Company: Dream Home Realty, Lemoyne
Years in real estate: 16 years
Specialty: Residential sales
Local association: Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors®
Title: Broker/owner
Designations: Master’s degree of real estate from Realtor® University, At Home with Diversity, ABR®, C2EX

How did you get started in the real estate business?
My mom was in the industry for 40 years and I grew up around it. When I graduated from college, my mom got rheumatoid arthritis, so I got a license to help her and it just kind of went from there.

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back to the start of your career?
I would have gone full time sooner. I always felt the need to have that consistent paycheck and benefits, so I was always doing it part time with my mom, but now that I’ve made that leap, I wish I had done so sooner.

Why you love being a Realtor®?
I love being a Realtor® because I have that background from being mentored by my mother and with growing up in the industry, I have a real comfort level. I believe that helps my clients as I help the navigate through the challenges. I don’t get stressed out, because it comes very naturally to me. I think it’s a good career that allows me to help others.

What do you attribute your success in the field to?
Because I had other jobs, I have a very well-rounded background. I worked in title law, appraisals, lending and I think that really benefits my clients and the agents that I train and mentor.

What is the biggest challenge you face being a Realtor®?
Competing with the internet, I think staying relevant, bringing value and educating the consumers that we do still bring value. I think that’s our current challenge.

Why are you active in your local and state associations?
I’m very active, I’m kind of a joiner as a personality. I like committees and events. I’m on the foundation board to do the charity events and I’m a licensed instructor, so I do teach at the association level.

How has being involved helped your business?
It’s helped a lot. We are a small business, just opened a year ago. Being able to network, serving on those committees and teaching gets my name out there. It puts a face on the name on a more regular basis, so that if people are considering moving, they know me and they’re familiar with me.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?
My fun fact is that I’m also an Easter bunny. I do three or four Easter bunny gigs a year, all for free for charity or for just local community egg hunts.

What do you do when you’re not selling real estate?
I like to read, do crafts, go antiquing and spend time with my cats.



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