Monthly member Profile: Kevin McPheeters

Realtor®: Kevin McPheeters
Company: Jay Spaziano Real Estate
Title: Realtor®
Years in real estate: 23 years
Specialty: Residential real estate
Local association: Bucks County Association of Realtors®
Designations: AHWD, GRI

How did you get started in real estate?
I got started in real estate by buying my first house. I was living in Boston and we decided to buy a house with our downstairs apartment mate. She was looking for a unit in a condo building and we decided to look together and we bought a building together. And that was the first step of my real estate career. After that, I went to speak to the team that we had worked with to purchase and they needed some assistance, so I joined them as junior partner and just never looked back.

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back to the start of your career?
I would say start earlier, because I was about 30 when I first started. I wish I had known more about real estate at an earlier age, because I would have gotten an earlier start in a career that I love.

What do you attribute your success in the field to?
I would say my success in the field is due to my enthusiasm, willingness to understand my clients and a desire to serve.

What is the biggest challenge you face as a Realtor®?
My biggest challenge as a Realtor® is getting motivated every day to get up and do some work. I am pretty fortunate to enjoy what I do, but you can be easily discouraged or you can reach new highs in this job and trying to find that middle ground is always a challenge.

Who is the best buyer/seller you’ve ever worked with and why?
I think the best buyer I ever worked with was probably myself and my husband. Partly because it was a learning experience for me and it helped me to discover what it was that I really enjoyed doing. Houses are really the focus of my life. I have been involved in some way shape or form, either buying, selling, helping other agents, helping developers and helping sellers and buyers. I just enjoy the entire process. From a buying standpoint, I think it was when we first bought our home, the excitement that we felt and trying to bring that to others, has been a continuous goal for me.

What made you become more active in the association?
I’ve always been involved on my local level and that encouraged me to move up to the next level. And I would say that the board membership and our association executive, those were the key reasons that I got more involved. There were opportunities to do some training, to learn more about the next level. What we do at the state level is fascinating to me. It puts me ahead of the curve.

How has being involved helped your business?
Being involved with PAR has helped my business because it has in it introduced me to people from all over the state. My involvement with our local, as president, sent me to national conventions, which helped to broaden the scope of more people I know from other areas of the country. It’s access to information that I would not normally get for a couple more years down the line. I feel like it’s all so beneficial.

What’s a fun fact about yourself?
Most things that I do are house-centric. I have an interior design company, I do home staging, I sell real estate. I went to cooking school. There are many things in my life that revolve around home and house, I am a big proponent of the idea that our personal environments have a huge affect upon our lives.

What do you do when you’re not selling real estate?
I like to read, entertain friends and family, travel and play games (Words with Friends anyone?!)


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