Five daily habits that can help your real estate business

Running a real estate business means you’re constantly on the go, and it’s easy for little things to slip through the cracks.

Entrepreneur and author Vito Glazer offers five daily habits that many Realtors® overlook that can help you better manage your business and day-to-day operations.

  1. Write Out Your Visions on Paper – When it comes to managing the day-to-day operations of a small business, successful business owners know that visualizing their goals is a great way to stay on track. Although it can seem time-consuming, take the time to commit the vision for the business to paper. Write out daily goals, and keep them posted and keep track of measurable day-to-day accomplishments. This is the best way to see the progress of a small business unfold and to track how well that business is doing.
  2. Form Long-Term Relationships – For most small business owners, getting through the “check points” of the day is often their primary goal. However, in order for a business to run smoothly on an operational level, it is important that these business owners have others around them they can trust. While it can be easy to get caught up in the daily struggles of running a business, if you are going to manage a staff, you need to form strong, lasting relationships with those on the team. Taking the time to have thoughtful and meaningful interactions not only with employees, but clients and professional associates as well can only make the business thrive.
  3. Make Decisions Fast – It can be easy to be indecisive as a small business owner, but being unable to make fast decisions is simply not an option for small business owners. Go into every day ready to make decisions and stick with them and the day-to-day of your business will run much more efficiently. As a real estate agent, just like anyone, it is important to remember that you will make wrong decisions from time to time, but dwelling on this or overthinking the possibility of making wrong decisions will only delay your daily efficiency.
  4. Schedule Time for Yourself – An organized schedule is essential to any Realtor’s® daily operations. Unfortunately, many small business owners do not take the time to schedule in time for themselves in this schedule. By making a daily effort to set aside time, small business owners can regroup, make time for their personal lives and take a step back from their business to assess certain situations better. This time can be an afternoon walk, a personal lunch break or a morning coffee run. Whatever it is, it is important that it appears on the actual schedule. Taking care of yourself and being the happiest, healthiest version of yourself can only help the business.
  5. Find a Morning Ritual – A morning ritual is a great way to keep the mind focused on the bigger tasks at hand. So many small business owners feel so overwhelmed and so busy that they don’t take the time to develop a morning ritual. Their mornings are typically rushed and include trying to get as much work and last-minute projects done. If you take the time to develop a morning ritual, and stick with that ritual, the rest of your day will likely operate in a calmer and more efficient manner. Doing things like reading, working out or even skimming the paper can put any Realtor® on track for success later in the day. It can seem like a small habit, but it’s one that will translate into a more peaceful and organized workday and a more efficient leader for your small business.

While a career as a Realtor® will always come with challenges, it is also rewarding. These five daily habits can help you become an even more effective agent.


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