Two Pennsylvania Realtors® graduate from Realtor® University

Graduate Amy Fry with PAR President Ron Croushore

Graduate Amy Fry with PAR President Ron Croushore

Adrienne “Abe” Wagner of the Cambria Somerset Association of Realtors® and Amy Fry of the Realtors® Association of York and Adams County recently graduated from Realtor® University.

Both successfully completed the requirements for a Master of Real Estate degree. The program, which is completed online, requires a minimum of 12 three-semester credit hour graduate courses.

“The biggest takeaway is that because of the thoroughness of the classwork, I got exposed to a lot of other areas in real estate that I wouldn’t see in my everyday job,” said Fry. “To be able to interface and get to know agents and brokers throughout the whole country was fabulous. I received good insight how to sell a house in Hawaii vs. Pennsylvania.”

Wagner echoed Fry’s comments. “The diversity of experience and the thought process and how one person looks at it in California or Pennsylvania regarding rules, regulations and laws. It was quite an eye opener. Where you stand determines what you see and we learned that even better,” she said.

Balancing real estate work, family life and school wasn’t always the easiest, both women agreed. But they persevered.

“I threw balance out of my vocabulary,” said Wagner. “The word is juggling. Sometimes, education is first, sometimes family is, sometimes work is. It is a matter of juggling,” she said. “I would get up early, do three to four hours of homework before I would go to work, because it was a good 20-25 hours a week I was spending on school.”

Graduate Adrienne "Abe" Wagner with PAR President Ron Croushore

Graduate Adrienne “Abe” Wagner with PAR President Ron Croushore

“It was tricky to balance,” added Fry. “Because it was online, I could do the work when I was able to, either late at night or weekends. My Sundays for two years consisted of papers, reading and research. It was very challenging.”

Wagner noted how her whole office was incredibly supportive through the experience. “When you have a broker that embraces education, and encourages you to learn more, it only makes their business better and you better,” she said, declaring the program, “one of the best experiences of my life.”

Fry added: “I worried about how I was going to fit it in, but you definitely can do it. It’s challenging, but worth it.”

For more information on Realtor® University, visit their website.


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