Holiday Gifts: What Do You Give Your Clients?

Most Realtors® opt to give gifts for closings or around the holidays to remind their clients of their gratitude for using their business.

But standing out among all of the other businesses vying for your clients’ attention can be difficult. What do you do to set yourself apart from the rest?

PAR President-elect Bill Festa said a good bottle of wine is his go-to gift for clients, or a gift card to a local restaurant for either their closing or the holidays. PAR Vice President Chris Raad said a bottle of champagne is his token of appreciation to clients. “Popping the cork at the right occasion after closing can be a special moment,” he said.

Instead of December holidays, some Realtors® aim for the big November one.

“I have provided fantastic pies for that year’s clients at Thanksgiving,” said PAR President Bill McFalls. McFalls said he generally also gives a blanket throw to new buyers at settlement.

“We talk a lot about how much stuff is sent in December. During this time, so many different companies send holiday cards. This isn’t a bad thing, but it makes it more difficult for our own holiday wishes to break through the clutter. For that reason and for a few others, we do not mail anything in December. Rather, we send a Thanksgiving letter out the week before Thanksgiving. We include well wishes for the holidays and usually some sort of message that reminds us all to try and slow down during the holiday season and enjoy it for what it is,” said District 3 Vice President Eric Rehling.

Other unique gift ideas for Realtors® to give clients around the holidays or closings include personalized doormats, personalized holiday ornaments, cheese boards or cutting boards.


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