Election Day Is Tomorrow

By Albert Perry | May 15, 2023 | 2 min. read

Have you made your plan to vote tomorrow?

It’s so important to show up for each election and vote for candidates who support our industry. It starts at the local level too, which is why voting in tomorrow’s election is something we all should do across the commonwealth. We need officials on city councils, borough councils, city committees and so forth to represent our voices so that we can be heard. As Realtors®, we have a unique perspective on the issues affecting our industry and the communities we serve.

So, make your plan to show up tomorrow. Check and make sure you know where your polling place is. Research who will be appearing on your ballot. Polls are open from 7 a.m. through 8 p.m. I know how busy we all are, so I always make sure to put it into my calendar, just like I would a showing or closing. Voting is a privilege I don’t take for granted. Every vote counts, and your participation in the democratic process is crucial to ensuring a fair and representative government.

Choosing Realtor®-friendly candidates to represent us helps us to advocate for our profession as we face challenges throughout our careers. Voting is about much more than submitting a ballot, it’s about championing the Realtor® voice to be heard loud and proud.

I hope you make a plan to vote tomorrow and show up for our industry. Your vote is a powerful tool to help shape the future of our country and to ensure that your voice is heard.

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