Blog agreement of sale

Posts tagged with agreement of sale

Legal Issues | Standard Forms

The Buyer Terminated the Agreement… Now What?

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of calls coming into the PAR Legal Hotline that involve some variation of the buyer terminating the agreement. Questions come in from both the buy and sell side, so let’s review a few common ones and the answers we may give....

May 24, 2024 5 min. read

Legal Issues

Be Careful What You Agree To

Aug. 12, 2022 4 min. read

Legal Issues

Can My Buyer Waive Receipt of HOA Documents?

March 11, 2022 3 min. read

Legal Issues | Standard Forms

Something Breaks, Floods or Needs Repair Right Before Closing… Now What?

Sept. 3, 2021 4 min. read

Legal Issues | Standard Forms

Communicating acceptance: When is a binding Agreement of Sale officially formed?

May 11, 2018 5 min. read

Legal Issues | Standard Forms

FIRPTA comes full circle in Agreement of Sale

Feb. 15, 2017 3 min. read

Legal Issues

The buyer’s remedy when the seller cannot convey good title

Jan. 25, 2017 5 min. read

Industry News

How do you ease homebuyers’ stress?

April 15, 2016 3 min. read

Legal Issues

Best of the hotline: Who is entitled to the deposit money when an Agreement of Sale is terminated?

April 1, 2016 4 min. read

Legal Issues

Timeliness, waiver and the written corrective proposal

Feb. 15, 2016 5 min. read

Industry News

Reduce property hazards to help avoid insurance coverage loss

Sept. 4, 2015 3 min. read

Legal Issues

No deposit? Amend the agreement

Aug. 14, 2013 3 min. read

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Industry News | Legal Issues

Radon, radon everywhere…

Oct. 27, 2009 2 min. read