Survey says….

PAR President Bette McTamney

PAR President Bette McTamney

We’re looking for a few good opinions! Earlier this week, PAR launched a member-wide survey to help us better understand your needs as a Realtor® and give us direction as we try to improve our services as an association.

The survey is the third membership study conducted by Keystone Analytics on behalf of the association. Here’s how your opinions in past surveys have helped to shape a positive future for PAR:

Standard Forms are a Good Thing. Nearly 60 percent of those surveyed in 2011 believe providing standard forms is a “very important” function of the association. This finding led the Realtor® Value Task Force to recommend that the development and maintenance of PAR standard forms be paid for though PAR dues revenue. The Board of Directors adopted this recommendation during the Spring Business Meetings, and members will now benefit from the consistent and reliable marketplace that is fostered by PAR standard forms.


Political Action Makes a Difference. A plurality of respondents in the 2011 survey, 34 percent, said PAR should place most of its emphasis on “government affairs and political action.” This represents a significant shift since the 2009 membership survey when more emphasis was given to professional development and continuing education. As a result, PAR has taken a bold stance on the issue of property tax reform. We have adopted the issue as a top legislative priority, conducted significant research into proposed legislation, and are embarking on a significant campaign to help change our current system.

Tap Into Talents and Ideas. The same survey revealed that thirty-eight percent of respondents said they are “not involved at all” with PAR while an additional 43 percent said they are “not very involved.” In response, PAR developed a Member Profile Form to capture members’ expertise on subjects, ranging from affordable housing to budgeting and finance. PAR leadership and committee chairs use the forms to develop panels of experts and task force appointments with the goal of encouraging a wide array of members to get involved at the association level.

Fellow members, I’ve highlighted just a few of the many, significant improvements that have been enacted due to your participation in past surveys. Now is your chance to let us know how we’re doing, once again. Are we on the right track with our programs? Are you getting involved? What new issues should we raise to the surface?

As your President, I’m asking you to help shape the future of this great association by sharing your opinions. You have until Friday, September 20 to go to your in-box and complete the confidential survey. The entire thing takes about 15 minutes and, who knows, you could win a $50 Visa® gift card just for entering.


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