Overwhelmed? Author offers tips to help manage your real estate career

“A lot of agents are overwhelmed.”

“How do I generate more leads? How do I position myself to be more competitively strategic? How do I leverage that? How do I balance my lifestyle and worth and demands of clients?” Valeh Nazemoff,  author of The Dance of the Business Mind, said are what agents are constantly asking themselves.

Nazemoff advised agents to ask themselves what are their internal and external resources, and go from there. “Don’t ignore what you already have. You are not solving the original issue. Look at your current behavior. We need to become aware of ourselves,” she said. “If we are overloaded, we need to figure out why. What are we overloaded with?”

The story line of your real estate business is important, she said. “Some agents struggle with that. There is an emotional connection that can be missed. How does your story appeal to the audience? Or to the judge if you were competing? Or to other competitors?” Agents have to be aware of their surroundings, she said.

Additionally, agents should focus on what makes them unique from other agents and address and commit to it. “You have to commit to that movement. Agents will make it a part of their branding, but they don’t commit to it. Commitment is really important. You need to let go of some things to commit, otherwise, you are constantly controlling.”

And by that, Nazemoff said she often sees agents thinking they have to wait for their branding to be “perfect.” “Well, perfection does not exist,” she said. “Let go of  trying to be perfect. Evolve and improve as you go along.”

Efficiency and effectiveness should be your goals, she said.

Some real estate agents look at competitors and try to imitate, she said. “But then you lose your own voice. The beauty is that each individual has their each voice and style. You can learn from your competitors. But what makes you unique? Express your own style and your own voice,” she advised.


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